How do you land your dream internship?!

on Sunday, December 5, 2010

Well this is top secret information but I suppose I'll share! First, go out there girl and don't be scared be fierce, beautiful, and driven. Potential employers love young motivated, driven individuals and you can be that person!

Study the industry you want to go into and learn everything you can. You need to be overly prepared before you interview. You need to dress the part so if your interviewing with a Magazines fashion closet don't wear a suit show your fashion through your outfit but keep it classy ladies.

Make sure your resume is updated, professional, and always send a cover letter showing how you can be the best addition to the company. You have to sell yourself and put it out there. If they say no its okay because that was a learning experience and you can take that with you to the next interview so you don't get turned away.

For girls who have never had an internship I would recommend getting a job and doing volunteer work. When I say volunteer work I don't mean ringing the bell in front of the mall I'm talking about volunteering in the industry your interested in to get experience. I have done a lot of volunteering in the past which has lead me to some of my top internships so make sure your always networking. That volunteer experience can lead you to your next internship. Make sure to always be connected.

Last Summer when I decided I wanted to work for a magazine in Manhattan I looked into all the different magazines and really did my homework. Then I emailed the corporation my resume and cover letter and they emailed me back a week later for an interview. You need to be driven about what you want! One thing I've always done is been persistent if you don't hear back email them and even call. You will hear back as long as you really put yourself out there and are persistent!! Lastly, always have a smile on your face!:)

Well this is my advice for now! Hope it helps:) Leave a comment!!


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